Tag Archives: the lovers tarot

Valentines Day & the Lovers card, What does it mean for you ?

Tarot, the Lovers & Astrology
Is Cupid heading your way ?

The lovers tarot card; and what it means for you this Valentine’s Day.

The lovers card tends to be associated with Gemini. You can easily fuse your tarot knowledge with your astrology experience to deepen your understanding. Often depicted on the lovers card are two Angels, a much more detailed meaning of the Lovers Card can be found here. These angels represent your higher spirit, & how your soul intertwines with your lover should you have one. What this symbolises is that, especially in this society where love is represented mostly as pure sexuality in all the media, we need to remember that there is a higher aspect to love than the physicality of lust. Neither you nor your partner, or any potential partner for that matter, are solely physical beings. You have a soul and when it comes to love, you need to recognise that soul and appreciate it, setting it free to experience true love at the soul level. That is the first lesson of the Lovers tarot card.

The lovers tarot card can on a simple level also represent harmony and mutual attractiveness. This might represent you and your lover, but it also might represent other aspects of your life. This is true especially if you are single. Valentine’s Day is a day for all who are deserving of your love, not just your lover. When you think about harmony, think about your family and your wider social circle as well as your lover or soulmate. After all, we can’t have a successful relationship if that is all we have; love can be & often is torn apart by outside circumstances. That said it can also be made stronger by external circumstances. For instance, if your marriage has been rocky, having the support of your friends and family can bring you through a tough time and into a better place. Valentine’s Day is a perfect time to reflect on what has gone wrong in the last year but more importantly, what has gone right, always resolve to make this year better year than the last.

Is important to note that the lovers card also represents things besides physical or emotional love. For instance, the lovers card represents choice and belief systems. If you receive the lovers card as part of a tarot reading this Valentine’s Day, it might be that for the first time in a long time you are becoming sure of yourself and your beliefs in a way that you haven’t done until now, your soul is in transition, enabling you to create a better future for yourself and those around you. It also means that you could be at a crossroads; so be acutely aware of life choices that emerge around this time. Think over carefully before you come to any decision. You need to think about any long-term changes that may impact your life, as the choices you make in the short term can affect more than is immediately visible to you. That’s how tarot tends to work after all; because there are unseen facets to the universe that evade notice by the physical eye, and the rational mind, that just may be revealed in the magical interaction of a tarot reading.

Finally, and on a positive note, the lovers represent new hope and new life. Valentine’s Day is at the beginning of spring, and this is for a reason. The world is renewing itself, and this is an outward sign of the new you emerging. You can renew yourself on the inside as easily as having a physical makeover. The lovers card teaches us that Valentine’s Day is time to renew, both as an individual and in all aspects of our existence.


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