Tag Archives: Tarot

Imbolc Sabbat 2018 – Unleash the Magic

thawing and stirring of earth’s waters melting from the Sun
Life Returns – Imbolc The Festival of Fire

Imbolc 2018: Space for New Beginnings
Imbolc marks the beginning of spring in the Celtic calendar and thus, the season to start fresh for a bountiful year. This is the time that life comes forth, brimming with promises of goodness and beauty, free from haunting remnants of cold seasons past. A jubilant affair for everyone, Imbolc inspires us to take root by planting small seeds of our positive hopes and wishes, to be grown and harvested throughout the rest of the year.
Originally honoring the pagan goddess Brigid, who emblemizes fertility, healing, poetry, and smithcraft, Imbolc is seen by Christians as a feast day in honor of St. Brigid, a virgin patroness of helping the poor and the needy.
Imbolc starts on the 1st of February. Celebrating the rebirth of spring, Imbolc is observed through various symbols and customs:
Brigid’s Cross
Brigid’s crosses are originally made of rushes and crafted in the shape of a cross with all ends the same length. The rushes (or any workable material) are interwoven with each other, fastened together by strings or rubber bands. You can also add in small decorations such as bows to your cross.
The cross is typically hung at the top of your doorway to ward off diseases and other evil elements.
Brigid Doll
More suited for kids, a Brigid doll is made from either corn husk, straws, or even art crafts. Some tie a few stems of lavender to add a fragrant scent to the doll, as well as to show Brigid’s devotion to harvesting.
In some towns, Brigid dolls are paraded on the eve of the feast day. They are then taken home, given a place to sleep for the eve’s night, and greeted in the morning to symbolize greeting the magical energy of spring (Brigid).
Lighting Candles
Imbolc is also known as Candlemas in reference of ancient bonfire traditions. The candles signify the impending burst of the balmy spring Sun, as well as containing your wishes within them. The lighting of candles has long been an act of various spiritual offerings.
Spring Cleaning
To cleanse your home of the past affairs of the cold winter season, people would ritually clean their home. This involves both physical and spiritual cleansing of your dwelling.
Thoroughly clean the house with your family to start anew for the spring season. To purify it once again, you can use oil and sea salt. Go through every room and passageways as you utter prayers.
Imbolc gives us a perfect blend of culture and religion that have lived through time. It manifests the human psyche of rebirth and rise.

I like to sit with the Fool Tarot card from my deck during Imbolc. The Fool the  Spark of Life, the Seeker on the Path to Consciousness allows me to meditate on where I want the year to lead me. I must admit Winter is not my favourite season & the promise of Spring always serves to energise & motivate me. Where is 2018 set to take you? Expert Psychics & Clairvoyants are available now for your Psychic Readings

As always I wish you only the best & hope that this year you manifest everything you desire.

Psychic Readings – Top Tips – Find the best psychic for you

phone clairvoyant readings
Best psychic readings by phone 

Top tips for a sizzling Psychic Reading

So you want a Psychic Reading ? Be Prepared

What has entered your psyche that has made you want to seek out a Psychic reading ? Have you had one of those conversations with friends about their amazing psychic experiences ? Has this fired your enthusiasm and set you on the path to track down a reader that can amaze and inspire you ?
Before you fire up your web browser to look for your psychic take a moment to think about exactly what you expect from your reading. If you can get a recommendation from someone you trust then perfect, ask them what inspired them about their reading so you can begin to plan the questions you would like to ask during your own reading. Another way to scope out a psychic readers style is to check if they offer any freebies on their websites. For example many of my satisfied customers found me through my Free Daily Horoscopes and my Free Online Tarot Readings

Are you in the right state of mind for a reading ? R E L A X …

Make sure you are relaxed before you commit to a reading. Not only will it allow you to focus on, and remember, what is said during your consultation, it will help the reader connect with you and concentrate on their job, delivering you the best psychic reading that they can. If you are nervous then tell the reader and have a brief chat to dispel any nervousness before the main event !

What do you want from your reading ? What questions do you have ?

People seem to think that they should stay silent during a reading, for fear of ‘giving anything away’. A professional psychic reader will not be looking for any nuggets of information that they can ‘re-package’ to convince you that they are the real deal. A good reader will be zoning in to whatever method they use. When I am giving a Tarot reading, the cards are already dealt before you speak. I will be delivering the message laid out in the symbolism of the cards in front of me. I certainly won’t be trying to shoe-horn any information in just to try & engineer the reading to your question. If you do have specific questions then be sure to ask them, though don’t be surprised if a good reader responds with “sorry that information is just not showing up for me at the moment”. A good reading should be an exchange of energies that leaves the questioner feeling energised with a clearer idea of where they are headed, a reading is not some kind of ‘mystical google’ that can answer all of life’s questions in the time that yo spend with your reader.

Are you in the right frame of mind ? Are you giving out powerful psychic vibes ?

Giving a reading to someone who is in the right head space to receive a reading that will inspire them, possibly reveal a different path that could break them out of a rut, is SO much easier if that person is really ready for change. Be sure that you are ready to at least listen to the advice your psychic will have for you, grabbing ideas and inspiration. There is nothing worse for a psychic reader than a client who is so confused or depressed that no amount of positive insight will help expose them to new possibilities. Giving a reading to a person who is not ready is like trying to log on to your friends WI-FI without the passcode, you can try as hard as you like, in most cases it will make absolutely no difference !

So you are about to have a psychic reading, Enjoy it !

If you have committed to a psychic reading, then enjoy it. If after a few minutes the reading isn’t working for you, or you feel that you are not connecting with the reader, stop threading ! Tell the reader that you feel it really isn’t working and that you would like to try a different reader. My psychics are all professional enough to realise that not every reading will be amazing. In fact the universe may have sent you to them as they will instantly know the best psychic reader for you and can arrange to hook you up. It is your reading, like any other service, make sure you get what you want !

Psychic readings – A few points to consider

When you are ready for a psychic reading, make sure you are prepared. I always advise clients to follow a few simple steps.

Be prepared to take notes – In the excitement it is highly likely you won’t remember what is said, scribble some notes. You will be amazed at what is picked up when you look back and revisit them later.

Make sure you are not distracted – Seek out some me time, in a place where you will not be distracted. If for example your partner thinks psychic readings are a waste of time, you on’t get the best experience if you know they are in the next room. If you are having a phone psychic reading then make sure it is at a time when you will not be disturbed and turn off other phones or call waiting services so you can focus.

Don’t rush in to a reading if you are feeling unwell,  had a hard night with a few drinks, are upset or are in any other way not 100% ready for your reading

BE OPEN and prepared to really enjoy your reading. A really good psychic reading should leave you buzzing, Have fun and be prepared for an experience that you will never forget.

Finally I would like to say again if after a few minutes you are not happy or feel like you are not connecting with your reader, simply ask the reader to refund you and recommend a reader that they feel may connect with you more easily. The best phone psychics will be more than happy to recommend a psychic reader that can give you the reading you deserve.

Some of my favourite recommended psychic readers can be found on the websites listed below. As always I wish you only the best & hope this finds you feeling fabulous !

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best psychic phone reading in Ireland
Glastonbury phone clairvoyant readings
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psychic readings by text message in Ireland

Soulmates – What to look for in a relationship.


Soulmates Psychic Astrology Horoscopes
Soulmates Astrology Horoscopes report

SOUL MATES – Seeking the perfect match
We аll wаnt tо fіnd оur ѕоul mаtе dоn’t we? Wе аrе captivated bу thе belief that thеrе іѕ ѕоmеоnе out thеrе (somewhere іn thе world) who ‘gets us’. A person whоѕе soul соnnесtѕ wіth оurѕ and fоr ѕоmе mуѕtісаl rеаѕоn they undеrѕtаnd uѕ аnd оur hеаrtѕ bеаt аѕ оnе (ѕо to ѕреаk). It is lіkе thеу were created tо соmрlеtе us…and wе wеrе сrеаtеd to complete thеm. You аnd they wеrе a раrt оf еасh оthеr and уоu wеrе ѕоmеhоw separated. Sо іn уоur ѕеаrсh fоr уоur ѕоul mate; how dо you knоw thаt уоu have met them? Whаt are the traits аnd bеhаvіоrѕ thаt уоur soul mаtе ѕhоuld hаvе? How dо уоu rесоgnіzе your ѕоul mаtе?

Do you have a magical feeling of completeness like never before ? Do they sweep you off your feet ? Do they fascinate you ? All well & good, but before you totally commit through those rose tinted glasses, should you consider a few points to make sure you are protected emotionally & spiritually.
1. Do they treat уоu wіth rеѕресt. If they are truly set to be раrt оf your ѕоul then thеy wіll trеаt уоu wеll, instinctively, from the outset. In danger of sounding like an old romantic here but they should bе соnѕіdеrаtе tо уоu іn wоrdѕ аnd dееdѕ. If thеy are уоur ѕоul mаtе thеn thеy will trеаt you as wеll аѕ thеy wоuld want to be trеаtе, if not better ! Thе thіngѕ they ѕау tо уоu wіll bе соrdіаl, роlіtе and kind; аnd their actions should speak louder than wordd. If hіѕ wоrdѕ and dееdѕ towards you are hаrѕh, unkind оr dіѕсоurtеоuѕ then alarm bells should start ringing, especially if you have found yourself in this situation before. You WILL know when the right person manifests in your world.

2. They tаkе care of уоu, inspire and nurture you. If thеy are destined to be part of your life thеn you will quickly begin to notice how they make you feel. Whеn уоu аrе dоwn or feeling insecure do thеy try tо еnсоurаgе уоu? If уоu аrе unhарру dо thеy саrе? Or are they too busy staring at their phone ? If you honestly sense that true care and respect are not there for you, have a heart to heart and explain your position or be prepared to move on. You may need to kiss many frogs before that perfect prince – (ess) rocks up.

3. Can you truly see them sharing their life wіth уоu. A true mаtе will share their lіfе wіth you unconditionally Someone destined to be раrt оf уоur ѕоul will seamlessly integrate in to уоur life ѕо thаt you are both bе equal partners іn еасh other’s lіvеѕ. Discussion is important, you should be totally prepared to dіѕсuѕѕ the kеу іѕѕuеѕ іn еасh оthеr’ѕ lіvеѕ? Whеn thеy hаve a рrоblеm does thеy dіѕсuѕѕ іt wіth уоu? What about уоu, are you prepared to be totally open ?

4. They will аррrесіаtе уоu аnd thе rоlе that you play іn their lіfе. A true ѕоul mаtе wіll intuitively recognise уоur irreplaceable value in their life аnd rejoice in the vаluе that уоu bring to others and simply by bеіng a sentient being on our beautiful planet. They will relish уоur іntеllіgеnce and encourage you to expand your experiences to live a vibrant fulfilling life. They will seek уоur opinion аbоut all іѕѕuеѕ, еnсоurаgе you tо bеttеr уоurѕеlf and wіll bе your biggest ѕuрроrtе, standing by your choices and championing your development at every chance. Does thіѕ dеѕсrіbе уоur ideal partner? Can you recognise yourself in this description? Then you need a person who will complete you and allow you to flourish and reach your full potential.

5. They will love you unconditionally and ѕіnсеrеlу. A true ѕоul mate will grow with you, that special bond maturing and developing as you face life challenges together. Wе оftеn gеt hung up оn the emotional соnnесtіоn that wе hаvе wіth a person аnd thіnk thеу muѕt be ‘THE ONE’, because nоbоdу еvеr made uѕ fееl lіkе that. Truе lоvе though іѕ BOTH еmоtіоnаl and рrасtісаl. They cannot trеаt уоu indifferently, they cannot соntіnuаllу hurt you with disinterest juѕt because they аrоuѕеѕ іntеnѕе fееlіngѕ when thy bother to show interest іn уоu. They cannot bе сruеl аnd hurtful and be a раrt оf уоur life just bесаuѕе thеy makes уоur toes tіnglе during ‘the good times’. Truе lоvе is nоt just a feeling…it is a lifelong commitment.
You are a perfect wonderful entity, put here to realise your true potential, you deserve to find that special other who completes you and truly makes life joyful and complete. I wish you much love and great success in all that you do x

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Pisces for Imagination (February 19th and March 20th)


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Free Horoscopes & Astrology for Pisces

Pisces love to dream and have a vivid imagination. Compassionate and grounded, a lover of the spiritual realm, Pisces will readily adapt to the circumstances around them. Very devoted, accepting and forgiving in relationships, Pisces make a great life partner as they continue to evolve emotionally throughout their lives & are very generous with their feelings .

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Aquarius the Visionary ( January 20th – February 18th )

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Free horoscopes, astrology and Tarot

Aquarians are daring and visionary in their outlook, they love to think for the group. Their vision allows them to excel in strategy as they can always clearly see the bigger picture in an almost Clairvoyant way. Not afraid to appear to be strange or unusual, Aquarians love to experiment and follow the paths that automatically open before them as they are aware that every thought they have creates their destiny.

All about Aquarius – Click Here

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Tarot readings for relationships

Tarot Meanings: The Major & Minor Arcana. Is your destiny on the cards?


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Tarot Meanings: The Major & Minor Arcana. Is your destiny on the cards?

In the world of tarot, the cards and their meanings are like a door to another dimension, endless layers of meaning is revealed to anyone dedicated enough to absorb themselves in this most magical of Oracles. I have spent many years developing my own deck and still after many years of study am amazed at the endless layers of meaning that are revealed every time I tweak my deck. Intuition is imperative with Tarot, the same card can have a different implication or interpretation depending on the energy vibrations between the sitter and the reader. How successful a reading is is the responsibility of both parties involved in the reading, and guaranteed after the event relevant details will surface in an ‘Aha’ moment for anyone open to the power of Tarot. I have studied & undergone cognitive behavioral therapy, you would be amazed at how many ‘main stream therapists’ are incorporating the Tarot in their consultations.

The deck of 78 tarot cards has several arcana that form specific groups. This may sound a little confusing to you. For now, let us just talk about the major arcana and minor arcana. There are a total of 56 minor arcana. Those are also the 56 suit cards in the deck of 78. The other 22 cards are in the group of major arcana, the BIG GUNS of the Tarot that everyone is familiar with, the S c a r y cards always get the biggest response, SCARY TAROT, DEATH, THE DEVIL & THE DARKER MEANINGS AMONG THE 78 CARDS Find out more on not surprisingly one of my most popular pages HERE. The primary difference between major and minor arcana is that the former represents an energy that is long-lasting, intense or strong and the latter represents waning or less important energy, which is mostly temporary. In other words, both major and minor arcana represent significant energy, emotions or implications in a person’s life but the former is more important and powerful than the latter.

Let us imagine the Hermit major. The Hermit typically represents an urge or quest to seek answers, to unearth the truth, to decipher the truest pursuits and to live a life of renunciation. My Hermit certainly lived his life, no longer with us, you can read more about the detailed meaning of The Hermit Tarot card HERE. The card being a major arcana means that this energy or feeling is strong, intense and is likely to last for a long time. To the contrary, the Eight of Cups minor would imply a less impactful, though, maybe just as interesting meaning but with less intensity. The phase, depending on the position n the spread , may be short-lived and is in all likelihood a passing phase. The major arcana tarot readings often depict the consistent urge or a prevailing phase of a certain energy, emotion or interest, something that has been happening for a while and is likely to continue happening. A minor arcana depicts a sudden urge or phase which may be genuine or might be indicative of a distraction from something that a person is done or exhausted with.

The major and minor arcana tarot readings have immense significance in a person’s destiny. Knowing the real nature of a situation, feeling, emotion or quest, one can be serious about it or shrug it off. This could apply to career interests, relationships, love life, hobbies, passion or even any task that one has to do.

For an expert live Tarot reading, consult a Tarot expert for your live Tarot phone reading

Text a psychic, a psychic by text can provide immediate answers, directly to your mobile phone

For a free Tarot reading, based on data from millions of readings choose from the free Tarot spreads you will find Here

Is it time for a Spiritual Spring Clean ?

Is it time to forgive yourself and move on ?
Spiritual Spring Cleaning

After a long winter slumber spring is the time for growth.  Snow melts, flowers that have napped under snow pop out of the ground and trees grow new leaves.   This is also a great time for spiritual growth, cleaning out the mental attic of emotional baggage and start attracting that which serves you.  Put on your gloves, get your duster and mop and let’s start spring cleaning!

Like the flower bulb buried under the snow, energetically winter is a time for rest and rejuvenation.  Energetically this is a high time of the year and perfect to harness for growth.  Releasing that which isn’t serving you is the first step to spiritual spring cleaning.

Mindful meditation is the first step to releasing past energies.  It isn’t the quiet time but the skill of learning to quiet emotions when they arise that gives meditation its immense value.  When an uncomfortable emotion rises, acknowledge it, thank it for coming and let it flow out.  Meditation allows you to quiet your mind, the fight or flight response to painful emotions so you can sort it out and let it flow out of your conscious. I have used meditation to quiet the thousand synapses firing in my brain at any given moment for many years. I have a dedicated meditation page on my website that is running in the background as I write this, namyohorengekyo Om mani padme hum ओं मणिपद्मे ह, I find they all work perfectly well. Chant to your future – You can give it a try here

The second step in the spiritual spring cleaning is the hardest.  Be honest with yourself.  We have spent our whole lives suppressing feelings it is habit to run or stuff them down.  How can you release something if you don’t face it?  This is where the acknowledging the emotions as they arise comes into play.  Feel your heart race and your muscles tense, flow with it and release it.  Recognize the patterns and your body reaction when those emotions arise and accept your responsibility in the role of letting those patterns exist. Breaking harmful or destructive patterns is surprisingly difficult, though can be the most liberating thing you will ever do.

Once you see the patterns the following step is to forgive yourself.  You are human.  Be kind to that human. See yourself from another perspective, as if you are a person in a movie. If you can disassociate from ‘you’, even for a moment, it can be far easier to forgive ‘that person’ .  Forgive yourself for holding those emotions and allowing them to rule the roost.  Sweep them out the door now with love so you can move on and attract a better, life, job, relationship or whatever is holding you back.

Just like laundry and dirty dishes this is a routine that has to be repeated over and over.  Patterns and habits are hard to break.  It takes work.  Releasing that negative energy is a daily task and often it has to be performed multiple times during the day, especially when different challenges arise that trigger residual emotions and patterns.

Finally set a routine for yourself.  Key areas to focus on are meditating, allowing the brain to be quiet for whatever amount of time you can manage.  Practice gratitude.  When you find an emotion has surfaced and negativity creeping in, think of something that makes you grateful.  You will notice a shift in energy right away.  Ground yourself in nature.  The earth has amazing energy and you can pull from this for strength.   Unplug from technology.  The constant bombardment of visual and auditory noise is deafening so wait 30 minutes before you turn on the TV or start your computer. Likewise avoid screens for at least an hour before bed.

Spiritual spring cleaning can help you let go of the old clutter in your brain and soul and allow you to accept the bounty the Universe offers for your future. Accept it, you know you deserve it.

As always, I wish you great success on your unfolding journey, keep discovering !

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Aquarius in Love

Aquarius  in Love - Who is my best match ?
Aquarius in love and relationships

Aquarius are curious and independent minded. Once they commit, they are willing to go to great lengths to ensure that they are in a committed and happy relationship, but one thing that makes life difficult for them is their inability to give up their quirky individuality or their individual pursuits.

Aquarius and Aquarius Pairings: This can be a great pairing. However, the main issue won’t be that you don’t get on with each other, but that together you’ll be a force to be reckoned with! It’s likely you’ll both have a mutual understanding of each other’s quirkiness, and together you’ll throw wild parties and revel in separate pursuits. Others may not understand the nature of your relationship though, as you aren’t a conventional  pairing!

Aquarius and Pisces Relationships: What will seem like a really promising relationship at first is unlikely to last. After all, you are an Aquarius. Your element is water, and with it cool indifference. Like a cat. Pisces is like a dog; they are emotionally sensitive, and when it comes to your alone time and individual pursuits, they are unlikely to want to be left alone long enough for you to feel quenched.

Aquarius and Aries:  Aries and Aquarius naturally don’t go together. You’ll have to find a compromise for this to work. The key reasons are that Aquarius are naturally cold and collected, whereas Aries are all fire. Aquarius live for the future, whereas Aries live for the moment. This can be a great combination, or it can burn out very quickly. Watch out!

Capricorn and Aquarius relationships: First impressions count here. You are an intellectual maverick, and they are an emotional traditionalist. This can create a great pairing if you’re compatible, but if you’re not it will be fireworks in a bad way! Essentially, think about when you first met them: Did their personality quirks annoy you or entice you? This is the key to this relationship.

Aquarius and Libra pairings: The two of you will seem intellectually destined for one another. What you might have to take into account though is that this might not translate to sexual and emotional connection. This will be a relationship of mental journeys as opposed to physical ones. If you want to buck the trend, it will take some effort!

Aquarius and Scorpio pairings: Both of you are stubborn. Neither of you are going to budge. This will either be a blessing or a curse. Both natural leaders, you might be at loggerheads constantly. That said, if you find common ground and work towards different but compatible goals, then you may find that you can achieve more than any other couple you know.

Sagittarius and Aquarius Pairings: As an Aquarius, you will be naturally charmed by the Sagittarius. Their natural love of adventure will help you and appeal to your cool-headedness and practicality. However, eventually you will want to draw lines in the sand, and this is against everything the Scorpio holds dear. Either keep yourself in check, or consider this a short term love.

For more on Aquarius including your daily Taurus Horoscope visit http://www.astromara.com