Tag Archives: release the past

Accepting your past, embracing your future

Releasing your past to move forward
Release the past – embrace the present – re-imagine your future

Accepting your past, embracing your future

“The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you’re not willing to stay where you are.”  Unknown

That broken record plays over and over in your head.  The memories pop up and the resulting emotions leave you stuck, unable to move forward into a new refreshing life.  Round and round this continues to go until you are ready to let it go and not repeat those mistakes or patterns again.

Accepting your past and moving on to a much more enjoyable future can be done and requires turning your perceptions of the past upside down and viewing them from a different perspective.  Consider the following to shake loose of the past.

• Memories are only given power if you choose to do so.  The emotions attached to those memories can hold you hostage if you let them.  Acknowledge the emotions and study them without the noise of “I should…or I need…”  Simply let them flow and experience them.

• This is a brain twister:  The past happened and is over.  Anger, shame or hurt over past events is happening now.  What you are feeling now is what is keeping the past alive.

• Waiting for an apology you “deserve” only serves to postpone future happiness and makes your happiness dependent on the actions of someone else of whom you have no control.  Are you willing to put your current and future happiness in the hands of someone else?

• When you accept that you are in the driver’s seat of your emotions, you can start to change them.  You know it doesn’t feel good reliving or repeating the past so ask yourself what does feel good and put your vibrational energy on embracing that which does make you feel good.

• The victim role is a place of weakness and loss of power.  Jump out of that mindset and into one of a survivor.  A survivor is a place of self-empowerment.  Shifting from victim to survivor role opens your vibration up to receiving, while being the victim is a closed position, allowing the past to have power over you.

Once you come to terms with how your emotions about the past strangle and hold you down and shift into the survivor role, start opening yourself to gratitude. Practicing gratitude leaves no room for negativity to creep in.  When you are feeling exceptionally stressed or angry, list three things for which you are grateful in that moment.  It feels awkward at first, but by the time you list the third item, you may notice your negative emotions have been neutralised.

Letting go of the emotional hand cuffs is one step to creating an amazing future.  Physical things like grounding yourself in nature on a regular basis, meditation and surrounding yourself with people who are supportive will make the shift easier. Shielding yourself form negative people or “energy vampires” is a process but can be consciously developed and once you learn how to be happy, you naturally gravitate to those who are the same and won’t tolerate being around those who make you feel anything less, allowing you to embrace the positive and bright future you deserve.

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