Capricorn for Perseverance (December 22nd to January 19th)
Often respected in their field of work or their local community Capricorns love to master their subject. Capricorns will resourcefully persevere and commit in the long-term to achieve their ambitious goals. Responsible and compassionate, Capricorns make a nice partner for a gentle and thoughtful life together.
Tag Archives: free horoscopes
Libra for Art and Romance
Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd)
Libras thrive in relationships and love romancing and playful flirting. Seeking peace and fairness, Librans can be a little idealistic but overall tend to act as a diplomatic and harmonizing influence to those around them. Loving beauty, style and elegance the world of fashion appeals to Librans.
The Zodiac Aries The Ram
Aries for Action (March 21st to April 19th)
Aries are active, committed people, “always on the go” who are often renowned for being provocative, aggressive and competitive. Not afraid of confrontation an Aries will be forceful and confrontational when necessary. If you want a truthful answer, trust an Aries to provide one!
For more information please visit : Aries Horoscopes / Zodiac
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Tarot Meanings: The Major & Minor Arcana. Is your destiny on the cards?
Tarot Meanings: The Major & Minor Arcana. Is your destiny on the cards?
In the world of tarot, the cards and their meanings are like a door to another dimension, endless layers of meaning is revealed to anyone dedicated enough to absorb themselves in this most magical of Oracles. I have spent many years developing my own deck and still after many years of study am amazed at the endless layers of meaning that are revealed every time I tweak my deck. Intuition is imperative with Tarot, the same card can have a different implication or interpretation depending on the energy vibrations between the sitter and the reader. How successful a reading is is the responsibility of both parties involved in the reading, and guaranteed after the event relevant details will surface in an ‘Aha’ moment for anyone open to the power of Tarot. I have studied & undergone cognitive behavioral therapy, you would be amazed at how many ‘main stream therapists’ are incorporating the Tarot in their consultations.
The deck of 78 tarot cards has several arcana that form specific groups. This may sound a little confusing to you. For now, let us just talk about the major arcana and minor arcana. There are a total of 56 minor arcana. Those are also the 56 suit cards in the deck of 78. The other 22 cards are in the group of major arcana, the BIG GUNS of the Tarot that everyone is familiar with, the S c a r y cards always get the biggest response, SCARY TAROT, DEATH, THE DEVIL & THE DARKER MEANINGS AMONG THE 78 CARDS Find out more on not surprisingly one of my most popular pages HERE. The primary difference between major and minor arcana is that the former represents an energy that is long-lasting, intense or strong and the latter represents waning or less important energy, which is mostly temporary. In other words, both major and minor arcana represent significant energy, emotions or implications in a person’s life but the former is more important and powerful than the latter.
Let us imagine the Hermit major. The Hermit typically represents an urge or quest to seek answers, to unearth the truth, to decipher the truest pursuits and to live a life of renunciation. My Hermit certainly lived his life, no longer with us, you can read more about the detailed meaning of The Hermit Tarot card HERE. The card being a major arcana means that this energy or feeling is strong, intense and is likely to last for a long time. To the contrary, the Eight of Cups minor would imply a less impactful, though, maybe just as interesting meaning but with less intensity. The phase, depending on the position n the spread , may be short-lived and is in all likelihood a passing phase. The major arcana tarot readings often depict the consistent urge or a prevailing phase of a certain energy, emotion or interest, something that has been happening for a while and is likely to continue happening. A minor arcana depicts a sudden urge or phase which may be genuine or might be indicative of a distraction from something that a person is done or exhausted with.
The major and minor arcana tarot readings have immense significance in a person’s destiny. Knowing the real nature of a situation, feeling, emotion or quest, one can be serious about it or shrug it off. This could apply to career interests, relationships, love life, hobbies, passion or even any task that one has to do.
For an expert live Tarot reading, consult a Tarot expert for your live Tarot phone reading
Text a psychic, a psychic by text can provide immediate answers, directly to your mobile phone
Accepting your past, embracing your future
Accepting your past, embracing your future
“The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you’re not willing to stay where you are.” Unknown
That broken record plays over and over in your head. The memories pop up and the resulting emotions leave you stuck, unable to move forward into a new refreshing life. Round and round this continues to go until you are ready to let it go and not repeat those mistakes or patterns again.
Accepting your past and moving on to a much more enjoyable future can be done and requires turning your perceptions of the past upside down and viewing them from a different perspective. Consider the following to shake loose of the past.
• Memories are only given power if you choose to do so. The emotions attached to those memories can hold you hostage if you let them. Acknowledge the emotions and study them without the noise of “I should…or I need…” Simply let them flow and experience them.
• This is a brain twister: The past happened and is over. Anger, shame or hurt over past events is happening now. What you are feeling now is what is keeping the past alive.
• Waiting for an apology you “deserve” only serves to postpone future happiness and makes your happiness dependent on the actions of someone else of whom you have no control. Are you willing to put your current and future happiness in the hands of someone else?
• When you accept that you are in the driver’s seat of your emotions, you can start to change them. You know it doesn’t feel good reliving or repeating the past so ask yourself what does feel good and put your vibrational energy on embracing that which does make you feel good.
• The victim role is a place of weakness and loss of power. Jump out of that mindset and into one of a survivor. A survivor is a place of self-empowerment. Shifting from victim to survivor role opens your vibration up to receiving, while being the victim is a closed position, allowing the past to have power over you.
Once you come to terms with how your emotions about the past strangle and hold you down and shift into the survivor role, start opening yourself to gratitude. Practicing gratitude leaves no room for negativity to creep in. When you are feeling exceptionally stressed or angry, list three things for which you are grateful in that moment. It feels awkward at first, but by the time you list the third item, you may notice your negative emotions have been neutralised.
Letting go of the emotional hand cuffs is one step to creating an amazing future. Physical things like grounding yourself in nature on a regular basis, meditation and surrounding yourself with people who are supportive will make the shift easier. Shielding yourself form negative people or “energy vampires” is a process but can be consciously developed and once you learn how to be happy, you naturally gravitate to those who are the same and won’t tolerate being around those who make you feel anything less, allowing you to embrace the positive and bright future you deserve.
For a Psychic reading to understand your past & embrace your future Click Here – Psychic Readings
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Is it time for a Spiritual Spring Clean ?
After a long winter slumber spring is the time for growth. Snow melts, flowers that have napped under snow pop out of the ground and trees grow new leaves. This is also a great time for spiritual growth, cleaning out the mental attic of emotional baggage and start attracting that which serves you. Put on your gloves, get your duster and mop and let’s start spring cleaning!
Like the flower bulb buried under the snow, energetically winter is a time for rest and rejuvenation. Energetically this is a high time of the year and perfect to harness for growth. Releasing that which isn’t serving you is the first step to spiritual spring cleaning.
Mindful meditation is the first step to releasing past energies. It isn’t the quiet time but the skill of learning to quiet emotions when they arise that gives meditation its immense value. When an uncomfortable emotion rises, acknowledge it, thank it for coming and let it flow out. Meditation allows you to quiet your mind, the fight or flight response to painful emotions so you can sort it out and let it flow out of your conscious. I have used meditation to quiet the thousand synapses firing in my brain at any given moment for many years. I have a dedicated meditation page on my website that is running in the background as I write this, namyohorengekyo Om mani padme hum ओं मणिपद्मे ह, I find they all work perfectly well. Chant to your future – You can give it a try here
The second step in the spiritual spring cleaning is the hardest. Be honest with yourself. We have spent our whole lives suppressing feelings it is habit to run or stuff them down. How can you release something if you don’t face it? This is where the acknowledging the emotions as they arise comes into play. Feel your heart race and your muscles tense, flow with it and release it. Recognize the patterns and your body reaction when those emotions arise and accept your responsibility in the role of letting those patterns exist. Breaking harmful or destructive patterns is surprisingly difficult, though can be the most liberating thing you will ever do.
Once you see the patterns the following step is to forgive yourself. You are human. Be kind to that human. See yourself from another perspective, as if you are a person in a movie. If you can disassociate from ‘you’, even for a moment, it can be far easier to forgive ‘that person’ . Forgive yourself for holding those emotions and allowing them to rule the roost. Sweep them out the door now with love so you can move on and attract a better, life, job, relationship or whatever is holding you back.
Just like laundry and dirty dishes this is a routine that has to be repeated over and over. Patterns and habits are hard to break. It takes work. Releasing that negative energy is a daily task and often it has to be performed multiple times during the day, especially when different challenges arise that trigger residual emotions and patterns.
Finally set a routine for yourself. Key areas to focus on are meditating, allowing the brain to be quiet for whatever amount of time you can manage. Practice gratitude. When you find an emotion has surfaced and negativity creeping in, think of something that makes you grateful. You will notice a shift in energy right away. Ground yourself in nature. The earth has amazing energy and you can pull from this for strength. Unplug from technology. The constant bombardment of visual and auditory noise is deafening so wait 30 minutes before you turn on the TV or start your computer. Likewise avoid screens for at least an hour before bed.
Spiritual spring cleaning can help you let go of the old clutter in your brain and soul and allow you to accept the bounty the Universe offers for your future. Accept it, you know you deserve it.
As always, I wish you great success on your unfolding journey, keep discovering !
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Top Astrology in London and across the UK
For Astrology readings London is often the place to be
Astrology is the science of prediction. This prediction is done based on the signs of the zodiac, and a good astrology reading will let you know in precise detail what likely events could possibly happen which may affect you as a particular individual. At our birth, we are giving the most unique footprint based on our star sign and based on our own individual circumstances. That is how astrology readings can be so revealing on a personal soul level.
If you’re looking for astrology readings London is a great place to be, as there are many great astrology resources around the capital. There are numerous astrologers working within London, some of whom have international reputations. More importantly, London is a fascinating place. It is almost magical in its own way, as the seat of the British Empire, it has accumulated thousands of years worth of rich history and artefacts from various different cultures in the myriad museums around the capital. Each of these have their own magical power. This cannot be understated when it comes to Astrology readings, because London has its way of inspiring certain facets of your subconscious that would ordinarily never come to light.
You might be wondering why you would go to a specific astrologer, or website, as opposed to reading information of your own online. The fact is that if you get an astrology reading in London or anywhere else, local astrologers will help you in the way that only localized astrologers can. Astrology is a centuries-old device, and so uncovering and deciphering the results is an act of interpretation. Remember that one man’s treasure is another man’s junk, and one man’s downfall might be the uprising of another man. So, whilst the astrological symbols might initially give a negative impression, this might not be the case ultimately. And vice versa for positive readings, you need to look deeper at the information offered. A good astrologer will help you to navigate the minefield that is the unpredictability of the future. Just like weather people don’t get it right all the time, yet they are more accurate than simply looking at the sky, so it is with astrologers. An astrologer will accumulate data over the course of many years, and their predictions will be enhanced by this knowledge.
And that is another reason why for astrology readings, London is a great place to go. London is a massive, vibrant, city, and as such you have a wide variety of choices and cultures that would otherwise be unavailable to you. You can find great astrology readers, and you can also find the one that resonates with you personally. We won’t ever all get on with everyone, but we can find the people who we most gel with personally. Also, when it comes to astrology readings, London is fantastic because this so much extra information at your finger tips. There are museums, there are bookstores, there are little novelty areas which thrive on mysticism and the magic of various cultures, not many cities in the world have that.
In conclusion, if you want to get an astrology reading in the UK, London is probably the place for you. Remember, you need to find and astrologer who is both personable and has a good reputation. Do not let your experience of astrology be ruined by a someone who simply does not resonate with you.
Q&A with Astrologer Paul O’Mara
Astromara is your one-stop destination for free daily and monthly horoscopes, astronomy charts and reports – but who is behind the forecasts? The answer is Paul O’Mara, a fully qualified astrologer and physic. After studying the nuances of the Tarot, Paul can deliver customised readings and more, and set up the site to make it more convenient for people to access readings through Skype, and of course check their horoscopes regularly.
We’ve put together an interview with the man behind Astromara to see what he loves about astrology and why he wants to share it with others.
Q: Have you always believed in the power of the stars and planets? Did your family encourage it?
Q: If not, what was the turning point when you realised astrology could be real?
Q: Have you ever dealt with celebrity or well-known clients?
Q: What do you suggest for people who are searching for their soulmate? Can astrology help?
Q: What is your star sign? Have you always related to it?
Q: What is your favourite service to carry out? (Eg. Birth charts, tarot, horoscopes)
Q: Finally, what would you say to people who think astrology is nothing more than boo hockey?!
The Science Behind Astrology
For those new to astrology, the ideas presented are sometimes dismissed as nonsense. The truth is there is very real science to back up astrology. Man’s comprehension of the stars has lead to an understanding about how they work and influence us throughout our lives. Astrology can be used to generate expectations for the future and further our understanding of ourselves by identifying patterns in our behaviour.
Astrologists believe that the planets influence human behaviour and that the time, date and place of our birth has impacted who we are at a fundamental level simply by the energies and placements of the planets as we were born. The belief that the stars have an influence and direct correlation to the events that take place on earth is not unusual. The human body itself is comprised of planetary elements or literal stardust; iron, zinc and copper. With that in mind, how could the planets not influence the material we are made of? Many believe that people behave wildly during the full moon and women’s monthly menstrual cycles are often in sync with the moon’s activity. It’s clear that the pull of the planets is always in action.
Astrology has not been invented on a whim. There are very specific rules that dictate just how astrology works. These rules are based on patterns and trends in how people are influenced by the stars. For example, an astonishing array of actors have a prominent Leo position, many journalists and writers are Geminis and a large number of Pisceans are connected to escapist behaviours such as drug addiction and alcoholism. Astrology uses the natural world to predict these patterns.
Astrology can be testable in the real world to some degree. The basis of astrology is that a person’s personality and character is influenced by the stars. If we assert that a large number of celebrities have a prominent Leo position in their chart, this assertion is testable as we study and delve into the astrological signs of celebrities. As such, astrological ideas can be confirmed or rejected.
Many people don’t know that great minds have worked in alignment with astrology including Carl Jung. Jung had an interest in how people worked; why did they exhibit certain behaviours, feelings and characteristics? Why don’t we all simply behave the same way? What accounts for our personality differences? Jung believed, as astrologers do, that there is a link between astrology and romantic compatibility. He studied the natal charts of over 400 married couples and was able to locate patterns and trends that fortified his theory. The point is that the planets influence us meaningfully in a myriad of ways every day; our fertility, moods, weather patterns are all influenced by varying degrees by the stars.
If you want to test astrology, take a look at our free horoscopes, daily astrology forecasts and birth chart wheels.