Tag Archives: Cancer

Cancer in Love

Cancer in Love - Who is my best match ?
Cancer in love and relationships

Cancer are a beautiful romantic. They will overlook the flaws of their partner and have a strong desire to be the most intimately connected and supportive person they can be. This is brilliant but also can mean that the Cancer falls into the trap of being a hopeless romantic. The following will help you choose how to act in certain pairings.

Cancer and Cancer: You both have the same intimate hopes and dreams. You will need to watch out though: There is a thin line between nurturing and controlling, and emotions can run high. Give each other space and support.

Cancer and Leo: You need to be the supporting role if you are the Cancer in this pairing. Leo loves to be the main actor in the play, and you fit into the role of support naturally. However, don’t lose yourself and become a servant to the Leo.

Cancer and Virgo: You will need each other. Virgo needs the support of a loving Cancer, who is happy to provide it. Cancer will need the self-reassurance that the Virgo provides. This could be a great partnership if you have things in common.

Cancer and Libra: You have a set of contradictory behaviors which can make for an interesting pairing if you allow it. Cancer wants to build walls, and Libra likes to be taken around the walls. Cancer builds the foundations, and Libra’s artistic style means that they’ll add the finishing touches.

Cancer and Scorpio: Both of you are in tune with your emotional sides, and some would say governed by them. The only problem here is one of rhythm. Scorpio have longer burning emotional candles, whereas Cancer tend to move faster through the emotions. Beware of this when tempers run high.

Cancer and Sagittarius: This pairing spells danger in most cases. Cancer is a nest builder, and loves to have set boundaries and definitions. Sagittarius hate the controlling nature of anything. They don’t set habits if they can help it. You will have to compromise heavily for this pairing to work.

Cancer and Capricorn: Cancer and Capricorn will make each other sullen if they don’t appreciate their differences. This is a case of intuition of the cancer meeting the rationality of the Capricorn. Allow each other to lead from time to time; you will learn new ways of looking at things.

Cancer and Aquarius: This is another opposite approach that will be difficult to manage. Aquarius are cool and indifferent, the opposite of a Cancer’s nurturing and emotional perspective. Watch out and try and buck the odds on this one by finding your own way to handle things.

Cancer and Pisces: As long as you don’t have a self-destructive person, this pairing is a match in heaven. Your emotional rhythms are the same, your philosophical outlooks on life are similar and most importantly, you both have the need to settle down and be happy in domestic bliss together. Good luck with this one, but you won’t need it.

For more on Cancer, including your daily Cancer Horoscope visit http://www.astromara.com