Pіѕсеѕ With its ѕуmbоl of twо fish swimming in орроѕіtе dіrесtіоnѕ, thе Wаtеr sign of Pіѕсеѕ іѕ seemingly a ѕоul іn conflict. Aѕ wіth аll оf thе Water ѕіgnѕ, еmоtіоnаl rеасtіоnѕ tо things аnd thе wау thаt thіngѕ mаkе thеm feel are keystones оf a Piscean’s life. Furthеrmоrе, wіth mighty Neptune аѕ their rulіng рlаnеt – thе planet among other things of сrеаtіvіtу and іdеаlіѕm – The influence of Water is integral to pisceans, as is the lunar energy of the Moon.
Pisceans аrе well-recognised in аѕtrоlоgу fоr thеіr keen senses оf іntuіtіоn, соmраѕѕіоn, сrеаtіvіtу, ѕеnѕіtіvіtу аnd ѕріrіtuаlіtу. Thе соnflісt аt thе hеаrt оf thе Piscean soul оftеn еxрrеѕѕеѕ itself іn thеm as being ѕоulful, dreamy, іdеаlіѕtіс, and creative реорlе, this makes them the ideal companion, making them compatible with many other signs of the zodiac.
Scorpios often have hypnotic magnetism. Quite mysterious, secretive, sometimes have trouble expressing their feelings. Though when the floodgates do open, watch out ! Very loyal and possessive especially to family members, Scorpios can become jealous very easily, though will laugh when shown how silly this behaviour can be. Scorpios have a great deal of courage and are very clear on what they want and how they will get it. Very protective Scorpio will seek revenge on those who do wrong to them or theirs. Can bear grudges for years ! ( My mother was the absolute master of this ). Scorpios are also very clever and expect their lover to be attuned to their needs and wants, becoming frustrated if their suitor doesn’t realise this and act accordingly.
Intense and drаmаtіс, thе ѕуmbоl оf the Sсоrріоn brings with it a ѕtіng іn its tаіl! As wіth аll Wаtеr ѕіgnѕ, еmоtіоn, ѕеnѕіtіvіtу, аnd dерth of feeling are оf grеаt іmроrtаnсе in the lіvеѕ оf Scorpios. Plutо is Sсоrріо’ѕ rulіng рlаnеt, іtѕ аѕѕосіаtіоnѕ wіth thе mуthісаl undеrwоrld, оf destruction, аnd of brіngіng hіddеn things tо light, turnѕ аn оthеrwіѕе calm, placid Wаtеr ѕіgn, іntо a maelstrom of drama gіving Sсоrріоѕ their intensity. Powerful, fоrсеful реорlе, Scorpios are drіvеn to go beyond the mundаnе and еvеrуdау, and to seek оut thе crux оf ѕіtuаtіоnѕ.
Failed relationships are brutal to overcome and not properly processing the experience, myriad emotions and owning up to your part in the failure can prevent you from moving forward and finding the love that is there waiting for you.
When a relationship faulters, there are five distinct stages of grief we all experience or cycle through:
Anger and resentment
The loss of a relationship distinct grief stages. Often we get stuck or repeatedly cycle through the stages which keeps us from moving forward. The greatest gift you can give yourself is to identify & flow through these stages in order to release the past hurt, lost dreams and failed expectations.
Accepting your role in the failed relationship is also integral to healing and opening yourself to receive future love. The old saying; “it takes two to tango” is apropos when it comes to the failure of a relationship. While it is easy to play the blame game, the bottom line is you have no control over anyone but yourself.
Honestly look at your actions and reactions in the lost relationship because you are the only one you can control. Did you expect your spouse to be a mind reader? Are you the type who had to “win” arguments? Recognizing where you failed is stepping into vulnerability. This is when you ruthlessly expose your belly to the predatory truth of your actions. It is painful, it feels humiliating but it is also freeing.
Once you have identified the role you played in the failed relationship, forgive. Forgive your spouse for you. Anger and resentment are like holding on to a red hot coal, the only person who gets hurt is you. You are not excusing the acts or justifying a wrong, you are simply freeing yourself from the pain and letting it flow so you can move on and accept love again. Forgiving the offender is an eviction notice from your head. They no longer can live there rent free when you forgive.
In forgiving your spouse you must forgive yourself too. There is no point in carrying guilt or shame all tucked up neat and nice wrapped in a bow waiting to beat you over the head. If you open to vulnerability, accept your role in the failure, forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes, make the changes needed to not repeat them and move forward you won’t need that bow wrapped guilt package. It serves no purpose in your growth.
The ego loves expectations. Learn to quiet the ego and ditch expectations. An expectation is a recipe for failure. Learn to accept people for who they are, good and bad. Expectations are what you “want” the other person to do. You will develop a natural sense of what you will and won’t allow in future relationships. When you allow people to be who they are and accept them just as they are, you will find that limits drop away and that love you deserve is easier to find when the noise of the ego and past are vanquished. Are you #lookingforlove ? Do you ask yourself #doesheloveme ?
Celebrities embark on new love affairs as frequently as they change their socks and celebrity relationships are notoriously complicated. We’re here to see which tried and tested couples have weathered the storms and appear to be built to last! Harmonious sun signs are only one part of the puzzle (for a truly comprehensive read you need to know you and your partner’s natal charts which will require your date, time and place of birth) but it’s a useful starting point to see who suits on the surface!
Ryan Reynolds (Libra) and Blake Lively (Virgo)
Ryan Reynolds is the movie star pinup of women all over the world but with his sun in Libra, Ryan is romantic and relationship minded. Libras literally feel lost without love. Blake is a hard working Virgo; trustworthy, authentic and self-sufficient, they both work hard at their marriage.
Brad Pitt (Sagittarius) and Angelina Jolie (Gemini)
Nothing about Brad and Angelina’s relationship is conventional and with suns in Sagittarius and Gemini, their love affair will never be boring! Sagittarius and Gemini are opposing signs which will mean that they have a lot to teach one another. Fire and air fuel one another so this love affair is full of passion and vitality. Sagittarius is connected to philosophy and the quest for truth whilst Gemini is linked with communication and travel. Together these two will have plenty of unconventional adventures.
Kim Kardashian (Libra) and Kanye West (Gemini)
As air signs, Libra and Gemini understand one another well. They are both restless, communicative and ideas people. They are always in a position to think about what they want. Although their materialism may hark to an earthiness, these two have their heads in the clouds and are likely to have a dreamy, chatty relationship. Both will prefer words as their primary love language.
Beyoncé (Virgo) and Jay-Z (Sagittarius)
On the surface these two are very different. Virgo is mutable but desires a prudent, authentic, long-burning love. Sagittarius by contrast wants to roam and explore. They can be a bit blundering as they strive for excitement. Earth and fire feed one another so the attraction here is more enduring.
Mila Kunis (Leo) and Ashton Kutcher (Scorpio)
These two are very different but there is a real connection here. Leo is proud, regal and utterly devoted in love. The lion is generous, fair and completely above board; what you see is what you get with Mila. Scorpio is equally intense but a little more reserved. There is real devotion here.
Will Smith (Libra) and Jada Pinkett Smith (Virgo)
Will’s mercurial Libra sun loves to be loved and feels at home in relationships. Jada is conservative in nature and her Virgo sun desires stability and reliability. These two feed one another’s sense of home but also inspire one another leading to a lot of fun.
Johnny Depp (Gemini) and Amber Heard (Taurus)
Johnny and Amber have a completely different energy; Gemini is restless and ready to drop everything at a moment’s notice for an adventure. Taurus is strong, stable and steady, a little stubborn and a creature of habit. Although there will be tension between the two, Taurus can really calm and focus Gemini’s sporadic energy and Gemini can add a little spontaneity to Taurus. This may be an opposites attracts recipe that works.