Tag Archives: astrology lovers

Accepting your past, embracing your future

Releasing your past to move forward
Release the past – embrace the present – re-imagine your future

Accepting your past, embracing your future

“The first step to getting anywhere is deciding you’re not willing to stay where you are.”  Unknown

That broken record plays over and over in your head.  The memories pop up and the resulting emotions leave you stuck, unable to move forward into a new refreshing life.  Round and round this continues to go until you are ready to let it go and not repeat those mistakes or patterns again.

Accepting your past and moving on to a much more enjoyable future can be done and requires turning your perceptions of the past upside down and viewing them from a different perspective.  Consider the following to shake loose of the past.

• Memories are only given power if you choose to do so.  The emotions attached to those memories can hold you hostage if you let them.  Acknowledge the emotions and study them without the noise of “I should…or I need…”  Simply let them flow and experience them.

• This is a brain twister:  The past happened and is over.  Anger, shame or hurt over past events is happening now.  What you are feeling now is what is keeping the past alive.

• Waiting for an apology you “deserve” only serves to postpone future happiness and makes your happiness dependent on the actions of someone else of whom you have no control.  Are you willing to put your current and future happiness in the hands of someone else?

• When you accept that you are in the driver’s seat of your emotions, you can start to change them.  You know it doesn’t feel good reliving or repeating the past so ask yourself what does feel good and put your vibrational energy on embracing that which does make you feel good.

• The victim role is a place of weakness and loss of power.  Jump out of that mindset and into one of a survivor.  A survivor is a place of self-empowerment.  Shifting from victim to survivor role opens your vibration up to receiving, while being the victim is a closed position, allowing the past to have power over you.

Once you come to terms with how your emotions about the past strangle and hold you down and shift into the survivor role, start opening yourself to gratitude. Practicing gratitude leaves no room for negativity to creep in.  When you are feeling exceptionally stressed or angry, list three things for which you are grateful in that moment.  It feels awkward at first, but by the time you list the third item, you may notice your negative emotions have been neutralised.

Letting go of the emotional hand cuffs is one step to creating an amazing future.  Physical things like grounding yourself in nature on a regular basis, meditation and surrounding yourself with people who are supportive will make the shift easier. Shielding yourself form negative people or “energy vampires” is a process but can be consciously developed and once you learn how to be happy, you naturally gravitate to those who are the same and won’t tolerate being around those who make you feel anything less, allowing you to embrace the positive and bright future you deserve.

For a Psychic reading to understand your past & embrace your future Click Here – Psychic Readings

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Let go of past hurt – Accept that you are loved

Lovers horoscope tarot reports

Will I ever find true love ? 

Manifesting true Love

Failed relationships are brutal to overcome and not properly processing the experience, myriad emotions and owning up to your part in the failure can prevent you from moving forward and finding the love that is there waiting for you.

When a relationship faulters, there are five distinct stages of grief we all experience or cycle through:

  • Denial
  • Anger and resentment
  • Bargaining
  • Depression
  • Acceptance

The loss of a relationship distinct grief stages.  Often we get stuck or repeatedly cycle through the stages which keeps us from moving forward.  The greatest gift you can give yourself is to identify & flow through these stages in order to release the past hurt, lost dreams and failed expectations.

Accepting your role in the failed relationship is also integral to healing and opening yourself to receive future love.  The old saying; “it takes two to tango” is apropos when it comes to the failure of a relationship.  While it is easy to play the blame game, the bottom line is you have no control over anyone but yourself.

Honestly look at your actions and reactions in the lost relationship because you are the only one you can control.  Did you expect your spouse to be a mind reader?  Are you the type who had to “win” arguments?  Recognizing where you failed is stepping into vulnerability.  This is when you ruthlessly expose your belly to the predatory truth of your actions.  It is painful, it feels humiliating but it is also freeing.

Once you have identified the role you played in the failed relationship, forgive. Forgive your spouse for you. Anger and resentment are like holding on to a red hot coal, the only person who gets hurt is you.  You are not excusing the acts or justifying a wrong, you are simply freeing yourself from the pain and letting it flow so you can move on and accept love again.   Forgiving the offender is an eviction notice from your head.  They no longer can live there rent free when you forgive.

In forgiving your spouse you must forgive yourself too.  There is no point in carrying guilt or shame all tucked up neat and nice wrapped in a bow waiting to beat you over the head.   If you open to vulnerability, accept your role in the failure, forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes, make the changes needed to not repeat them and move forward you won’t need that bow wrapped guilt package.  It serves no purpose in your growth.

The ego loves expectations.  Learn to quiet the ego and ditch expectations.  An expectation is a recipe for failure.  Learn to accept people for who they are, good and bad. Expectations are what you “want” the other person to do. You will develop a natural sense of what you will and won’t allow in future relationships.  When you allow people to be who they are and accept them just as they are, you will find that limits drop away and that love you deserve is easier to find when the noise of the ego and past are vanquished.  Are you #lookingforlove ? Do you ask yourself #doesheloveme ?

The Lovers Tarot Card – Detailed meaning – Click Here

Speak to a recommended Psychic about love & relationships Here

the Intimate lovers Astrology report may have your answers, check it out here Intimate Lovers

Why we Love Horoscopes

Reasons people love horoscope, Daily horoscope readings, amazing horoscope

Many of us are quite simply hooked on horoscopes. Whether it’s a daily glance at the horoscope page in our local paper or investing in a natal chart, a staggering selection of us love astrology. But why are we so spellbound by our stars? Here are a few reasons:

It’s a Ritual

For many, whether they believe in astrology or not, checking what the stars have in store is part of a daily ritual. Even horoscopes written in a very generic, broad sense pique the curiosity of readers.

We Like to Categorise Ourselves

Although astrology is always intended as a guide rather than a black or white definition of who we are, people truly enjoy relating to their sign. Identifying whether you are a regal Leo, ambitious Capricorn or an inventive Aquarius is exciting.

We Like to Plan Ahead

Astrology can be used to predict trends in ourselves and our lives. As human beings we enjoy preparing for what is coming on the horizon. Exploring problematic and harmonious transits enables us to seize the moment and weather upcoming storms. Many of us have waxes and wanes which can be reflected by the actions of the planets above us. Astrology helps us better understand these and actually gives us a sense of autonomy and control.

We Like to Test our Compatibility

Although gauging true compatibility requires a comprehensive natal chart, even on the surface we can test our compatibility with others. Whether it’s a family member, new love or newfound friend, it’s common to ask others what sign they are to see if that fiery connection or lack of love we feel is based in astrological harmony or dysfunction.

We Want to Understand Ourselves

Oftentimes, people will say ‘I’ve just always loved the limelight since I was a child’ or ‘I’ve always been quite shy and hate being the centre of attention.’ We tend to think these statements are just who we are. Astrology can help explain these behaviours. Person A sounds like an attention loving Leo whereas person B might be a painfully shy, withdrawn Capricorn. Astrology does not dictate who we are but it does help us reveal blocks and flows in who we are.

It’s Addictive!

Astrology is a little like the rabbit hole in ‘Alice and Wonderland.’ Once you start, you can’t stop; you’ll just fall deeper and deeper into this exhilarating world. Whether it’s understanding your love life, work skills, hobbies, fears, triggers and dreams, astrology can really help you work in sync with your own personality to build the life you want. It is the accessibility and scope of astrology that make it both alluring and enduring.

If you’re addicted to astrology, check out these free daily and monthly horoscopes to get your fix.