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The Science Behind Astrology

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Science of astrology

For those new to astrology, the ideas presented are sometimes dismissed as nonsense. The truth is there is very real science to back up astrology. Man’s comprehension of the stars has lead to an understanding about how they work and influence us throughout our lives. Astrology can be used to generate expectations for the future and further our understanding of ourselves by identifying patterns in our behaviour.

Astrologists believe that the planets influence human behaviour and that the time, date and place of our birth has impacted who we are at a fundamental level simply by the energies and placements of the planets as we were born. The belief that the stars have an influence and direct correlation to the events that take place on earth is not unusual. The human body itself is comprised of planetary elements or literal stardust; iron, zinc and copper. With that in mind, how could the planets not influence the material we are made of? Many believe that people behave wildly during the full moon and women’s monthly menstrual cycles are often in sync with the moon’s activity.  It’s clear that the pull of the planets is always in action.

Astrology has not been invented on a whim. There are very specific rules that dictate just how astrology works. These rules are based on patterns and trends in how people are influenced by the stars. For example, an astonishing array of actors have a prominent Leo position, many journalists and writers are Geminis and a large number of Pisceans are connected to escapist behaviours such as drug addiction and alcoholism. Astrology uses the natural world to predict these patterns.

Astrology can be testable in the real world to some degree. The basis of astrology is that a person’s personality and character is influenced by the stars. If we assert that a large number of celebrities have a prominent Leo position in their chart, this assertion is testable as we study and delve into the astrological signs of celebrities. As such, astrological ideas can be confirmed or rejected.

Many people don’t know that great minds have worked in alignment with astrology including Carl Jung. Jung had an interest in how people worked; why did they exhibit certain behaviours, feelings and characteristics? Why don’t we all simply behave the same way? What accounts for our personality differences? Jung believed, as astrologers do, that there is a link between astrology and romantic compatibility. He studied the natal charts of over 400 married couples and was able to locate patterns and trends that fortified his theory. The point is that the planets influence us meaningfully in a myriad of ways every day; our fertility, moods, weather patterns are all influenced by varying degrees by the stars.

If you want to test astrology, take a look at our free horoscopes, daily astrology forecasts and birth chart wheels.